What is the process to start Engage Search Partners on a search?
Just give us a call 856-310-1503, so we can start the process. We understand that your hiring needs maybe urgent, we connect with you as soon as possible. In preparation for our call, start to think about the requirements of the position, compensation level, benefits, why the position is open, and what are the three most important characteristics that you are looking for in the candidate.
I have not used an agency recruiter before, can you explain Engage Search Partner’s search process?
Once we begin the search process, you can expect to hear from your Recruiter contact as we screen candidate for their fit to the position and organization. We are also qualifying the candidate is within a reasonable commute, in the salary range, and is serious about making this move in their career. Because we are thoroughly screening candidates to your specific position, we will not flood you with resumes of candidates who do not fit with your objectives. We provide our clients with detailed executive summaries to assist you in understanding the candidates experience, career moves, accomplishments, and software skills. We spend countless hours; referral gathering, recruiting, discussing positions and more, to make certain that the candidates we present are some of the best available on the market. We will then follow-up to schedule the interviews with the candidates you selected. After the initial interview we will follow-up to find out the details about how well the candidate did and what our next steps will be. We will continue to work with you all the way through the process and after the placement is made to make sure that everyone’s needs are met, so each placement is a successful one.
Does Engage Search Partners perform professional references on the candidates they place?
Yes, we provide at least two professional references on every candidate we place, giving the employer a full write-up and the peace of mind that their new hire has been properly vetted. We also can perform degree verification, criminal background checks and drug screening upon request from the client and signed background release authorization from the candidate.
Will Engage Search Partners take on a search outside the areas of Accounting, Finance, and Human Resources? Will Engage Search Partners work on a search outside of the Philadelphia metro area?
Yes and yes. We have successfully assisted our clients with searches for Manufacturing Plant Managers, Sales Executives, District Managers, Regional VP’s of Operations and other positions at a Manager level and above. We take these searches on a case by case basis. With the technology we have, we can work on searches anywhere in the U.S. We have successfully filled positions in many markets across the U.S